At Whoopy Yun Fashion School, we wanted to raise fashion enterprenuers who will establish a successful and sustainable fashion businesses, to do these we embarked on a mini research and we found 2 major factors that make fashion businesses in Africa die prematurely are
1. Lack of skill: a lot can sew but few can sew professionally.
2. Paucity of business running skills: its easy to start a business (if you have access to money/capital), but really hard to run a business successfully.
To bridge these gap, we don't just teach our students how to sew, we teach them how to sew professionally and how to run a successful and sustainable business in our environment, we are raising African giantsπͺπΌπͺπΌ
So we started a new cohort of #fash4Dev and we invited a business coach, Mr Wale Adebayo to take our students on entrepreneurship class and it has been wow!!!
He taught setting up a business, raising capital, setting goals, vision, getting staff, marketing, systems & processes etc I am sure our students lives and businesses will never remain the same after his teachings, we shall be having more facilitators come in.
Watch out for these women!